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Fernando Pessoa as English reader and writer

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Fernando Pessoa as English reader and writer

O mais recente volume da revista Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies, intitulado «Fernando Pessoa as English reader and writer», encontra-se disponível gratuitamente no Internet Archive. Tal como o nome indica, esta edição, organizada pelos investigadores Jerónimo Pizarro e Patricio Ferrari, é dedicada à relação do poeta português com a língua inglesa, incluindo ensaios de Richard Zenith, Pauly Ellen Bothe, Patricia Silva McNeill, George Monteiro, José Barreto e Mariana Gray de Castro, entre outros.

A collection of scholarly essays dedicated to Fernando Pessoa as English reader and writer including unpublished material from the author’s archive and private library
With Pessoa’s digitized private library online, the importance of English to Pessoa has become indisputable, particularly in his formative years: numerous English authors served as the bedrock from which his poetic sensibility emerged, developed and soared. In fact, a significant amount of Pessoa’s writings in English and in Portuguese (including those attributed to his heteronyms and/or to other literary personae) were greatly informed by these (his) original sources. Fernando Pessoa as English Reader and Writer provides ample evidence of his fruitful, lifelong relationship with the English language.
In addition to its thematic focus, this latest volume of Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies features sections dedicated to unpublished materials, new transcriptions of texts Pessoa originally wrote in English and verse translations by Pessoa into Portuguese. Contributors to this volume include George Monteiro, Patricia Silva McNeill, Richard Zenith, and Stefan Helgesson.


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